If you are considering a leasehold property, consider a few important things. Remember that when you own a leasehold property, you do not own it completely. This means that you may need to seek permission from the freeholder before making significant changes to the property. For instance, building an extension or adding a new bathroom might require the freeholder’s approval.

The lease agreement may have a clause prohibiting you from having pets or subletting the property. This could be problematic if you plan on moving in the future without selling the property. Reading the lease agreement carefully is crucial to understand all the terms and conditions.

Lease lengths can vary from hundreds of years to much less. Typically, the shorter the lease, the lower the property value. For instance, a flat with 50 years left on the lease will be less expensive than the same flat with a 125-year lease. However, shorter leases can be difficult to sell, and mortgage lenders may hesitate to approve a mortgage if the lease has less than 80 years remaining.

Buying the freehold or extending your lease

If you own a property, you may have the option to either purchase the freehold or prolong the lease. However, the expenses associated with these options can be considerable. The rules differ based on whether you own a house or a flat. In the case of a house, as long as you have held the lease for a minimum of two years and it was initially leased on a long lease, you would usually have the legal entitlement to extend the lease by 50 years.

If you have owned a leasehold flat for at least two years, you usually have the right to extend your lease by 90 years. However, extending the lease can be costly, and there is a chance your landlord may refuse your request. If this happens, you can take legal action to challenge their decision.

Before you buy the freehold or extend your lease, seeking professional advice is recommended, as the process can be complicated.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is a leasehold property?

2. What is a freehold property?

3. What are the advantages of a leasehold?

4. What are the disadvantages of a leasehold?

5. What is ground rent?

6. What is service charge?

7. How long should be left on a leasehold property?

8. Can I extend my lease?

9. How much does it cost to extend a lease?

10. What happens if I don’t extend my lease?


  1. First Time Buyer Guide to Buying a Leasehold Property. https://www.lawcomm.co.uk/blog/first-time-buyer-guide-to-buying-a-leasehold-property
  2. Buying a leasehold: everything you need to know – Zoopla. https://www.zoopla.co.uk/discover/buying/what-s-the-difference-between-leasehold-and-freehold
  3. A guide to buying a leasehold property – BDC Magazine. https://bdcmagazine.com/2022/02/a-guide-to-buying-a-leasehold-property
  4. Buying a leasehold flat – 10 things you should check. https://www.lease-advice.org/article/buying-a-leasehold-flat-10-things-you-should-check
  5. Buying A Leasehold Property – HomeOwners Alliance. https://hoa.org.uk/advice/guides-for-homeowners/i-am-buying/buying-a-leasehold-property
  6. Buying a house in the UK | Expatica. https://www.expatica.com/uk/housing/buying/buying-a-house-in-the-uk-103191
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