Who are Mortimer Clarke Solicitors?

Mortimer Clarke Solicitors, a debt collection company with company number 06211733, is named Mortimer Clarke Solicitors Limited. They are authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) to collect debts in the UK. Let’s learn more about how Mortimer Clarke Solicitors operates as a debt collector.

Will Mortimer Clarke Solicitors come to my house to collect debts?

Mortimer Clarke Solicitors, a debt collection agency, may send field agents to your home to discuss the alleged debt. These visits can be distressing for you and your family and may incur additional charges. It’s important to note that these methods can hurt your mental and physical well-being. However, you don’t have to handle the situation on your own. You can appoint a debt advice company to represent your interests.

We are a professional independent website that provides debt services to individuals. We have dealt with creditors like Mortimer Clarke Solicitors in the past and are equipped to help people who may be experiencing their tactics and threats. We aim to provide necessary debt help to those in need and help them improve their financial situation.

How will Mortimer Clarke Solicitors chase me if I don’t pay?

Mortimer Clarke Solicitors use customer relationship management systems to keep track of activity with debtors and ensure they are profitable. Some people may find their approach to be aggressive when trying to collect debts. Documentaries and news articles have criticised the heavy-handed nature of some debt collectors and bailiffs. Although the government has tried to reduce their powers, they still rely on intimidation tactics.

When a company buys your debt, they will probably inform you through a phone call and a letter. This first message will explain their pre-action protocol and state the money you owe, including any additional charges or penalties. They usually give you a short time frame, usually seven days, to pay the full debt. This approach aims to motivate you to get in touch with them and arrange a repayment plan.

The letter from Mortimer Clarke Solicitors usually outlines two or three possible next steps, which may include:

  • A home visit
  • Getting a county court judgement (CCJ) from Mortimer Clarke Solicitors if you do not repay the debt by the deadline
  • The possibility of bankruptcy if the debt is over £750.

If you have received letters from debt collectors like Mortimer Clarke Solicitors, contact us immediately, and we will do our best to handle the situation for you.

Can Mortimer Clarke Solicitors take me to court?

If you don’t respond to Mortimer Clarke Solicitors’ attempts to communicate with you or if you can’t agree on a payment plan, they may go to court as a final option for possible litigation.

How do you deal with Mortimer Clarke Solicitors?

If you’re struggling with persistent collectors and uncertain about your rights, consider working with IVA Advice. We can help you negotiate a settlement or payment plan with the company and minimize your repayment obligations.

How can Credit-Score help me?

Dealing with debt can be overwhelming, especially when debt collectors or bailiffs are involved. Don’t panic! The Credit-Score Team is here to help. We can help you to stop proceedings and reduce the cost of your debt for free.

We offer a unique debt solution service partnered with Equifax, a world leader in providing consumer credit report data. This means we have instant access to all your major debt without you having to search through your paperwork. Furthermore, we’re supported by the Natwest Accelerator Programme for business and have a multiyear relationship with the organisation. Our extensive and unique personal finance knowledge goes far beyond debt solutions – so you can trust that you are in safe hands.

What rights do I have against Mortimer Clarke Solicitors?

As a UK citizen, you have the right to protect yourself and your family’s well-being when dealing with debt collectors pursuing you for payment.

Mortimer Clarke Solicitors can contact you multiple times as long as it is done reasonably and does not lead to harassment. The term “reasonable” doesn’t have a specific definition, but you should not feel intimidated or threatened by their actions. However, you can’t refuse to repay your debt by citing their collection methods as an excuse. You can request that the company only communicate with you through written letters, but you must be prompt in responding to these letters.

By UK data protection laws, Mortimer Clarke Solicitors cannot discuss any details about your debts with your family, friends, or neighbours.

Mortimer Clarke Solicitors cannot claim to have powers they do not have. Previously, some creditors have used documents that looked like official court documents, but a law now exists to prevent this.

Mortimer Clarke Solicitors are not allowed to use threatening or abusive language or provide false information to collect your money.

Frequently Asked Questions

What happens if I ignore my debts with Mortimer Clarke Solicitors?

Can I write off my debts with Mortimer Clarke Solicitors?

Who do Mortimer Clarke Solicitors collect debt for?

Is Mortimer Clarke Solicitors a real company?

How can I contact Mortimer Clarke Solicitors?

How can I raise complaints about Mortimer Clarke Solicitors?

How can I pay Mortimer Clarke Solicitors?

Where can I get help with Mortimer Clarke Solicitors?

Will debt collectors ever stop chasing me for payment of the debt?

Can debt collectors force entry into my home?

Why are debt collectors contacting me?

What if I don’t know how much money I can afford to repay my debt?

Can debt collectors send me to prison if I don’t pay?

Can debt collectors enter my house?

How can I write off my debts?

What is a County Court Judgment (CCJ)?

Will a County Court Judgment (CCJ) affect my credit rating?

What is an IVA?

How long with an IVA last?

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